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PROJECT: The innovative teacher training - key to modern Bulgarian education
01.06.2017  - 31.05.2018

   With the new Law of Preschool and School education operating in Bulgaria all educational institutions are facing a great challenge. The changes require that we endure the pressure of competition, create favorable conditions for effectiveness of the educational process, quality, wide scope and intensity in applying the state educational standards.
   The school has to provide high-quality and scientific approach in teaching, in which teachers and students share equality of rights. This requires highly-qualified and motivated teachers, adequate and applicable presentation of the educational material, nurturing one's creativity and students' readiness to adapt to the changes of the social conditions.
   Teachers will use various forms and methods of education oriented towards the personality of the students aiming at applying models for self-learning and development of the need for self-perfection.
  The project is a part of the long-term European Development Plan of our school. The participation of the teachers in this project will not end with the end of the activities in the project. They will continue exchanging ideas, opinions and good practices with their colleagues from different European countries 
